Hawaii Rehabs

Hawaii, known for its tropical beauty and popularity as a travel destination, is one of the most unique states in the U.S. Hawaii struggles with substance abuse, particularly meth abuse. Meth abuse has had a history in Hawaii stemming from previous years, continuing to be widely abused by different age groups in the state. Furthermore, cocaine and marijuana are abused, with alcohol also remaining a highly abused substance. The Opioid crisis has also hit Hawaii, with “33 written prescriptions per 100” people in 2017. Fortunately, this was lower than the U.S. average. Hawaii’s scenic views provide the options of seeking treatment in a unique setting. Discover the many treatment facilities and accommodations available.

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Get help for alcoholism today.

If you or a loved one is ready to overcome an alcohol addiction, reach out today. Treatment providers can connect you with programs that provide the tools to help you get and stay sober.